الأربعاء، 5 مارس 2014

Ukrainian army defections

. Is it possible to divide the Ukrainian army ? ? ? ? ? ? This has happened already ... there has military forces Ukrainian pro- Russian army and others are still obeys the military leadership of Ukraine . , And we come to the similarity event between the Egyptian case and the case of Ukraine .. Ukrainian President fled to Rossiamtaliba the intervention of the army to ward off civil war, which is what he has done Mubarak unlike what he has done Morsi based on legitimacy and opposed Pergola and Ostpsahlamtsidia event Aoijaah of the military coup in 3/7 .. the majority of the Egyptian army sympathetic to President Morsi , but they are obedient to the orders of the military .. Or the case of Ukraine , we find that the majority of Alaokranan their interests in Russia, relatives and even the language one Vtjd that some of the brass tend Russian forces Mtamalan them the strength and well-being , development and live better . Contradictions occur and that the scene for tomorrow to close his eyes and curse Matesfr events later

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