الجمعة، 7 مارس 2014

Common link between the Ukrainian and Egyptian events

Perhaps Observers of events in the rapid buildup of developments in the crisis, Ukrainian and Matkablh of similarity is almost a replica with a difference between the events of Egypt's recent post- 25 / January to take over Prime Sheriff Nazih religiously committed and behaviorally uncorrupted nor Mrchi and justice has the slogan is president-elect of the country d / Mohamed Morsi .. and between after the events of the inauguration of the power and the coup opposition attic in cooperation with the military leaders and their alliance with each other to overthrow in a military coup Fimaiseme plot 30/6 , a similar implicitly with the situation Ukrainian ride Ukrainian opposition wave .. wave plot 30/6 , not revolution 25 / January honest fair and that brought Muhammad Morsi, through the ballot box . revolution has in order to achieve social justice for all citizens and the fight against the corrupt and venal and Ibaadem all over the reins of the country .. any that Thoaraokranaa may have the right to do Ruthm Ali Alksad but their motives loggerheads radically who is starving citizens Egypt during the reign of Mubarak radically who Ienoh citizens of Ukraine in the era of Aanoakecki despite the fact that the citizens of Egypt have the endurance of hardships under the rule of the elected president of the country's Mohamed Morsi ... but that his opponents did not Imaloh until the remaining period of his first term and allied attic oust him from power and silence the international community to these events is a disgrace in every state raise the slogan of democratic governance and informed him unless you remember that these countries will be the circle of events attic . Any similarity to the events of what happened to make the common denominator between the events and the events of Egypt Ukraine is to fight corruption and enriched the wealthiest obscene profiteering and Astalal political office in the country.

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