الأحد، 25 أغسطس 2013

All Egypt and the international community rejected

What happened in Egypt over the past month and specifically on 3/7 of the coup d'etat and overthrow the president and elected by the will popularized by the Egyptian people to call the international community with all its institutions and international security to stand mused Aalmhhd Egyptian reflection observers and participants in the events because it unless they are taking into consideration that what can be Event in Egypt to happen to other countries not only Out of that humanity is now considered a compound one and one fate after converged borders and after detailed modern communication tools all barriers that existed previously unknown appreciate it to say that the world is now the village of صعيرة what is happening in Berlin heard in Cairo and what is happening in Paris heard in Marrakech and what is happening Washington heard in Budapest and what is happening in Canada hears Pandonsaa and what is happening in Moscow hears Cape Town and what is happening Briduganero بسمع India and what is happening in Pakistan hears Iran and what is happening in Helsinki heard in London and what is happening Edinburgh heard in Geneva and what is happening in China heard in Japan and what is happening in the Gulf بسمع Hong Kong .. that is to say the world has become as I said earlier village صعيرة events intertwined interrelated events in humans two objects on the globe hence should not there replies Aqaal strong towards what is happening in Egypt and only affects Matal president-elect, who was overthrown by the military to do those countries Mafl Egyptian President Dr. Mohamed Morsi, the heads of those countries Masasatém military or the armies of those countries and not بمستبعد if the situation in Egypt became the case of illegality and dictatorship arrogant .. As established by the UN Security Council was construction on the backgrounds of events .. and now see we are in Egypt silence of the international community towards these issues as we see put Syria frosted on this case since two years and the community international standing witness did not provide new that issue. As the sit-ins and reactions of the wrath of the people against the military establishment Bmusroidt and كممت mouths and arrested politicians and opponents ie, that leaves the internal pressure in Egypt are all gone inclusion of wind as a result arbitrariness of the military in the use of power and the imposition of a state of emergency in the country which Makant attic era president-elect and attic Vorac pressure by the international community on decision-makers and the usurpers of power in Egypt now should intervene in order to preserve the integrity of public security of those global events that may have heard and accessories unless they are interfering with leaves obliges the military pressure to comply to hear the voice of reason, the return of the elected and legitimate government.

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