الاثنين، 15 يوليو 2013

Why did not support the West in Egypt and the legitimacy of democratic governance.

Why did not support the West in Egypt and the legitimacy of democratic governance. Why the West's abandonment of support for democracy in Egypt????????????????????????????? Necessarily a question directed to the international community as a whole for consideration by days Kadna of Qlaiq internal vibrations to giving up Aldemtheratih of which are in the original Anthjohnh. Their countries ... and the answer to the question, quite simply, is one of the handles that democratization in Egypt named President Mohamed Morsi. This is enough to answer that question and that of procedural and due to give up the West for supporting democracy background sectarian religious fun commit a fatal error has been the world Mahtlfah which was behind the plot 30/6, called the military coup on the legitimacy of the ruling the country and perhaps that is the future to other countries is a PLAGUE on the whole world, because what is happening in Egypt are affected by all the countries of the world and now see what is happening from Qlaiq public affairs, internal racism may take the green and dry unless remedied attitudes and broke up Altzer support for the president of America to the law of the country and abandoning the curse once again to prove including the ايدع room for doubt that the administration U.S. walk by fancies without starters or direction of a sound., and unless it is reversed those positions systematic on the road Aldeanaobkhalafah denominations or Aldiath to you will be the countries that participated plot 30/6 and supportive of democracies in all countries of the world is in danger due to support democracies on the method of wrongful a sectarian religious or or religious denomination, race or sex or color ... Ogmadwa eyes ياسادة and tell the truth and supported the constitutional legitimacy and only Velso P Italkm Juggernaut which Taatbnonh.

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