الأحد، 14 مارس 2021

Human rights in the world

Al-Sisi, when he found a fierce attack against him by human rights organizations, and from behind which there are countries that support these associations by provoking instability in Egypt and exposure to human rights files and violations that occur as a result of the security authorities in Egypt, and unlawfully attacking individuals and exposure to the families of opponents abroad and residents of Egypt against the background of striking the possessed Al-Sayeb is afraid of all these rumors, and of course the story of Regini, the Italian student, and Al-Sisi added to him, as we have known him as someone who is a good reader of global affairs and what is happening to him in comparison to other countries and what is happening in Egypt. Many international newspapers have dealt with the story of the student Rogini and his killing at the hands of members of the Egyptian security forces. The news in these newspapers, which will not be clear, and also the comparison between what happened to the incident of the killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Jashashoggi and the killing of Regeni and the assumption of a democratic administration in America made all these files open again, as well as the events of what is happening in the world from the events of some governments in the world violating the human rights charter and striking a show The wall with those laws that are binding on dealing with the articles of the law and not deviating from the human rhythm in dealing with the events \\\ and the recent illuminating events are events Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Ethiopia, the occupying state, Israel, and finally what happens in Burma or Myanmar, meaning that this report, referred to as 31 countries in the world, riots and objects to what is happening in Egypt from violations that made those influential countries in the world speak and issue judgments as if he were warning Sisi to deal properly with the human rights file in Egypt. And the release of political detainees in Egypt, and I agree with the recommendations of that report in terms of form and reserve the essence with many considerations, which are what agree on each country and its circumstances, and object to the policies of officials in those countries, because the affairs of each country and its circumstances and the objection of its citizens differ radically from some countries with considerations Customs and traditions, as well as values, as well as economic conditions and legal norms, meaning that every country has a case and issue in how its citizens are held accountable and investigated for any wrongdoing attributed to it. And when I say I agree in the form, considering that there are prisoners who have been politically detained for a long period of up to approximately eight years without crime or offense My moral without an excuse, O God, except my affiliation and loyalty to their president, who died recently, may God have mercy on him, Muhammad Morsi, and upon him. I must imprison these people, who are many and respectable people who have been imprisoned throughout these years, and why are they not released, especially since they have their social status in their country, and it is enough for Sisi to say when the burden increased on the part of some opponents abroad and told them that they would oppose their country in order for their affiliation to be a respectable affiliation \\\ / Al-Sisi told them, directing his speech and listening to the rulers of those countries and behind those human rights associations ((You talk to us about our transgressions, we who, in analogy with your transgressions, are a point in the sea, not in the literal sense, but with the content of that phrase as if it silences them)) What is the last? I did not read the articles of the human rights charter, but By instinct like this, or by deduction, what is said by those articles of the Charter of Human Rights, except that governments guarantee their citizens in terms of housing, food and drink, and the enjoyment of the embrace of freedom of religious belief without obligation, and also this is the most important freedom of expression and publication and respect for publishing controls is correct and without the surface and the abuse of dealing with deplorable expressions of those who are subjected to criticism \\\\ These are the most important human rights articles, and they are the most important material exposure to criticism through the tools of freedom of publication and expression. Unfortunately in Egypt, there are warnings, otherwise we would not have seen one example like it. My knowledge is that he was a candidate for the People's Assembly elections for the Dokki constituency, and Abd al-Rahim fell on me, for example. It is true that he spoke words that he exposed himself before exposing others, but this is a true example that does not emulate the freedom of expression and publication, but rather it is also taken, unfortunately, about the right of the political leadership In the state and according to this manner, measure on that many files, through which we must deal with some respect for the minds of people as long as the political leadership in the country is aware and has the full knowledge and has the arguments and proofs, and to silence these associations Human rights associations through what you have of tools to deal with your citizens differs radically from who should By dealing with the sponsors of the State of Egypt \\\ So the measurement in response to these is the standard and the tools for that measurement, as Sisi previously indicated \\ What country has a size of slums and the shortage and scarcity of resources deals with the human rights file as a country like France and its citizens deal and he may have the right to That is, however, also the analogy requires that neither the rich and the readers adopt values ​​and ideals in learning with criticism or freedom of expression. There are people who are poor and opposed to the system and on values ​​and ideals. To him is a lot and wealth, and you find their vocalizations transcend insulting and slandering the right of others, meaning that the values ​​are not partial, as in an honorable French citizen there or in Egypt we have honest Egyptian citizens \\\ That is, Sisi's words are rejected by him from the outside, but they did not find in him the correctness of logic in the expression to respond to him \\ / So the issue of the rich and the poverty is not the standard in the matter of human rights. Rather, as I have indicated, there are reasons that I have the political leadership in the country. -


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