Parliament Crimea formally agree to join the Russia and monitors six billion dollars for the island .. and officials Alaokranan island to or sentences now ruling authority in the country on the grounds that seized power and forced the country's president Ballja to Russia and they are or sentences legitimacy of the elections and they will not be part of it as if it is legitimacy and that the president's official and the country's legitimate Younfchka .. Observers of events Leary match between what happened from the events of the state of Ukraine are similar similarity implicitly Fimajeri of the events of the state of Egypt in 30/6 and conspiracy on the part of the Egyptian opposition to the legitimate president of the country's President Mohamed Morsi and oust him through a brass .. this is what happened in Ukraine opposition committed implicitly with the military brass and brass have remained silent in the face of demonstrations bloody and that almost ruined the country so as to force the President Balafrarōhma what happened and leave the power and deported to Russia .. and now the Russian side in a dispute with the countries that you see in the protection of Russia Mutnah
Qurum Star hidden ambitions for recovering the throne of the former Soviet Union .
Qurum Star hidden ambitions for recovering the throne of the former Soviet Union .
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